March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

More than 3.5 million people sustain an acquired brain injury (ABI) each year, and we at Adult Family Care (AFC) have firsthand knowledge of the challenges that can create.

The Adult Family Care (AFC) program helps people with brain injuries, by ensuring they receive the support they need to remain in the community, either with their own family or a host caregiver.


We also support the Brain Injury Association of America in its annual mission of raising awareness through Brain Injury Awareness Month each March.

The theme for this year’s campaign is “Not Alone,” which seeks to educate the public about the incidence of brain injuries and the needs of people with brain injuries. It’s also about de-stigmatizing brain injury, empowering those who’ve survived, and promoting the many types of support that are available.

The AFC program is proud to serve as one of those supports, by providing services that help people with brain injuries and other disabilities live in the setting of their choice.

For those who meet eligibility requirements, AFC can provide a caregiver stipend, ongoing caregiver training, and support from a nurse and a social worker. Our goal is helping to foster the best possible quality of life for both the client and the caregiver.

AFC serves the Greater Boston, North Shore and Merrimack Valley regions. To learn more about AFC, call 617-628-2601 ext. 3440 or email