AFC Celebrates National Family Caregivers Appreciation Month

Adult Family Care Director Nina Cohen (left) and AFC Administrative Assistant Nga Nguyen assemble thank you cards for AFC families as part of National Family Caregiver Appreciation month 2021.

November is National Family Caregivers Appreciation month, and Adult Family Care (AFC) marked the occasion by giving thanks to all of the family caregivers who receive support through the program.

AFC mailed a thank-you letter and $50 gift card to all AFC caregivers earlier this month. The letter, from AFC Program Director Nina Cohen, expressed gratitude and appreciation for all that the caregivers do, to help others receive the best care at home.

“After the challenges and struggles experienced over the past nearly two years of the pandemic, it is more important than ever for us to recognize and thank you,” wrote Cohen. “Your loved ones are so very fortunate to benefit from the care and support that you provide; and it is our honor and privilege to support you.”

The letter also highlighted the White House Proclamation of National Family Caregivers Month 2021:

Every day, millions of Americans provide essential care and medical assistance to their loved ones.  These acts of love, commitment, and compassion enable their family members to receive the support they need to live a life with dignity. This has been especially true throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, during which Americans of all ages have made substantial sacrifices to keep family members safe and healthy.  During National Family Caregivers Month, we recognize the important role of our Nation’s family caregivers and thank them for the invaluable and instrumental care they provide. 


About Adult Family Care

Adult Family Care is a mission-driven nonprofit that helps more than 240 eligible adults across the Greater Boston Area receive the best care at home, by providing training, compensation, and ongoing support for live-in caregivers. For more information call 617-440-0987, email or visit